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AdditionSubtractionTimes TablesMultiplicationDivisionNumbers and Place ValueRapid Recall Number SkillsQuick 10 - MathematicsRevision/Exam Prep (Maths)Two Step Problem SolvingFractionsDecimalsMoney and Financial MattersPatterns and AlgebraData, Graphs and StatisticsChance and probabilityConverting between units (time, length, mass, volume)TimeLengthAreaMassVolumeAnglesTwo-dimensional shapesThree-dimensional objectsLocation and TransformationMathematics RevisionAssessments Assessments - Upper primaryAssessments - Pre-primaryAssessments - Lower primaryExtendPrintable WorksheetsHundreds ChartTeaching ResourcesTimes Tables (only interactives)Class game - Number GuessTimes Tables (only interactives)
AdditionSubtractionTimes TablesMultiplicationDivisionNumbers and Place ValueRapid Recall Number SkillsQuick 10 - MathematicsRevision/Exam Prep (Maths)Two Step Problem SolvingFractionsDecimalsMoney and Financial Matters
Number skills printable assessment
Grade 6-
Number skills progression
For teachers
- Number skills - Fractions and decimals
For teachers
Outcomes based printable assessments
Grade 6-
For teachers
- Factors and prime numbers
- Printable
- Negative numbers
- Printable
- Numbers to at least one million
- Printable
- Solve addition and subtraction problems
- Printable
- Multistep addition and subtraction
- Printable
- Multiplying by one or two-digit numbers
- Printable
- Dividing by a one digit number
- Printable
- Solve multiplication and division problems
- Printable
- Number skills
- Printable
- Multistep problem solving
- Printable
- Finding unknown quantities - multiplication and division
- Printable
- Complete number sentences
- Printable
- Continue number and fraction patterns
- Printable
- Money and mass
- Printable
- Equivalent fractions and decimals for percentages
- Printable
- Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
For teachers
- Compare and order common unit fractions
- Printable
- Compare and order fractions
- Printable
- Addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator
- Printable
- Compares and orders decimals up to three decimal places
- Printable
- Decimal representations and converting units of mass
- Printable
- Percentages of quantities
- Printable
- Measurement
For teachers
- Twenty-four hour time
- Printable
- Data display - timelines
- Printable
- Calculating area
- Printable
- Length and perimeter
- Printable
- Area and perimeter of rectangles
- Printable
- Strategies for calculating area
- Printable
- Length - convert between units
- Printable
- Geometry
For teachers
- Properties of rectangles
- Printable
- Geometry
- Measurement
- Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
- Number skills - Fractions and decimals