Grade 4- Arthropods
- Vertebrates
- Mollusks
- Crustaceans
- Reptiles
- Food Chains
- Biomes
- Rainforest Environments
- Rainforests
- Desert Adjectives
- Alpine Environments
- Diet
- Healthy Lifestyle
- What is a Healthy lifestyle
- A Balanced Diet
- Life cycles (ants)
- Vertebrates
- What are Crustaceans
- Invertebrates
- Seeds and germination
- Flowers
- Root System - Plants
- Leaves
- Ferns
- Mangrove Plants
- Grasses
- The functions and care of teeth
- What happened to the dinosaurs?
- The Skeletal System
- The Human Skeleton
- Human Skeleton
- Human - Muscles
- The Circulatory System
- The Digestive System
- How the heart acts as a pump
- Pulse Rate
- The Human Digestive System
Earth and Space
Grade 4Physics
Grade 4Chemistry and Materials
Grade 4Information, Communication and Technology
Grade 4- Safety: Applying security practises 2
- Safety: Applying personal security practices 2
- Safety: Understanding Intellectual property 2
- Using ICT: Technology to access information 2
- Using ICT: Selecting and evaluating information 2
- Using ICT: Investigating with ICT 2
- Uses of ICT: The Impacts of ICT in Society 2
- Uses of ICT: Communicating with ICT 2
- About ICT: History of Computers
- Programming Concepts: Instructions to move a plane
- Programming Concepts: Flow Diagrams - with pictures