Master Mathematics

Rapid Recall is a sequential number drill and mastery program accessible from each student's homepage. The extensive program enables students to work at their own pace and enhance their mathematics skills in a fun and engaging way.

The Foundational Skills Needed in Mathematics

Rapid Recall activities help develop memory and recall abilities. Developing the mental arithmetic skills that are crucial for quick calculations in academic and daily life.

How Rapid Recall Works

The Rapid Recall Program offers four different types of lessons: video tutorials, practice activities, printable worksheets and final evaluations. Upon completing an evaluation, students receive a badge on their Rapid Recall menu, which indicates their progress in the program and recognises their achievement.

Activities are designed to prepare the student for the evaluation.

Timed activities help students learn mental arithmetic.

Untimed activities encourage students to use the included pen tool to work through problems and take as much time as they need to arrive at the correct answers.

Rapid Recall Printable Worksheets are unique and tailored to the student. They are newly generated each time from the questions the students are studying and are perfect for offline practice!

Students can mark their work using the answers at the bottom of the sheet.

Choose from 20, 30 or 100 questions per sheet, and print as many sheets as needed to help students reinforce and master number skills.

A vast library of video tutorials can help students understand more complex number skills through simple-to-understand lessons

These videos will help develop mental arithmetic strategies and reinforce areas students are struggling with.

Final evaluations test a student's abilities within the Rapid Recall program. Upon successful completion, students are rewarded with a badge of accomplishment displayed on their Student Homepage.