
Here are some of the reasons why parents and teachers love Studyladder.

“Just to let you know that I have been using the studyladder website for 3 years now and I love it so much! I am moving soon and I am taking Studyladder with me! I have already shown it to my new principal and he is very keen on using it. I cannot thank you enough for the impact you have had on my classes here in the UK. The children are motivated and eager to learn and they have made accelerated progress in Literacy and Maths. ”

Hayley Young, Teacher

“This site is fantastic!! My students just flipped over this! They loved creating their own avatars and earning points for their progress. One students asked, "Can we do this instead of work?" I love it!”

Barbara Catt, Teacher

“Your resources are very comprehensive and have an amazing range. They are motivating for students, reinforcing or introducing many concepts. Thanks you so much”

Wendy Hansen, Teacher

“The resources are very motivational and have a profound impact on learners to be educationally engaged in their learning activities”

David Shepherd, Teacher

“I've been accessing Studyladder for the last few years but this is the first year that I have incorporated it into the students homework. Our school no longer buys texts books for the kids and we wanted something to motivate the kids. Last year the children loved using Studyladder in class and we knew that all the children had access to a computer with the internet at home so we decided to put our Mathematics homework online. Signing up was easy and we simply printed out the login instructions and had the children glue them into the front cover of their book. There was a letter on the website that we modified to explain to parents what we were doing and we went through the process a few times in class over the next week. Then I was able to assign games and tutorials as homework tasks that were linked to the topics that we were covering in class. At the end of the week I could generate a summary to see who had ompleted the tasks and which children struggled. With this information I was able to assign different tasks to more capable children and personalise the learning for them. The great thing about Studyladder is that it is self-correcting which means that the students are getting instant feedback when they get an answer wrong. The children are extremely enthusiastic about completing homework and if I forget to assign new tasks I get plenty of reminders from the children. I highly recommend Studyladder to all teachers. It is a fantastic website that is easy to navigate around. The activities are well designed and the best thing is that it's Australian.”

Meaghan Kwiatkowski, Teacher, Coordinator

What people are saying about us...

“Thank you for a wonderful product. My daughter has had a huge boost from using Study-ladder.”

Georgia B, Parent

“I love using Studyladder in my class. The students love working hard to get rewards. I love it because it is marked and very easy to monitor student progress. A fantastic online resource”

Tim L , Teacher

“ Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are a homeschooling family with special needs. It is the only program that is really helping my children.”

Naomi O, Homeschool

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